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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Carr Boyd Information and Photo Gallery

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The Carr Boyd Range is actually two ranges separated by a broad, flat valley. Our trips to the southern range all begin with a boat trip across Lake Argyle. We spend a week in the area, walking up hills, along the flats, past waterfalls and through deep gorges. The following five photos show you a bit of what this area is like.
The northern part of the range is easier to get to and contains more relatively easy walking. On some trips, we begin with a boat up the Ord River, stopping to look at the birds along the way.
On those trips we walk to a creek where we find seven waterfalls. The falls are beautiful. The pools are great for swimming, but the climb up along the creek is fairly strenuous.
On some trips, we go in by 4WD. But, whether we go in by boat or 4WD, most of our walking is along creeks.
To get from one creek to another, we have to walk across spinifex covered flats and rocky ground.
The more difficult parts of the walks have their rewards such as seen below. (See if you can spot the person in the middle photo below.)
We know of one Aboriginal art site in the range. It is found near a large seasonal pool. In respect of the wishes of the Aboriginal traditional owners, we have removed the photo of that site.
It's not all walking, there is always time to relax and have a break or to simply stop and enjoy the view.
Finally, there are the sunsets. You get to relax and enjoy the sunset while your guide prepares another three course meal.
There is far more to see than these few photos can show. Why not join us and experience the best that the Carr Boyd Range has to offer.
Click here to return to the general description of the Carr Boyd Range.