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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Drysdale Photo Gallery

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The lower portion of the Drysdale River has long stretches of wide sandy banks. The walking is much easier than some of the rocky sections which come later.
These sandy beaches make excellent camp sites. Warm to cool nights make them perfect for relaxing around the campfire. Nearby, we often find Aboriginal rock paintings.

Each of the many side creeks is interesting in its own right so we often drop our packs and go exploring.
Eventually, we reach Solea Falls, the largest waterfall on the Drysdale River. It's a great spot for swimming and fishing.
The flat rock ledges at the top of Solea Falls make an excellent campsite with wonderful sunrise and sunset views.
Our May-June trip in 2000 was the wettest we've ever had. The four photos below, courtesy of guide Bruce Swain, show you just how spectacular the waterfalls can be early in the season.
Above Solea, on some trips, we do a long walk through open woodland along Johnson Creek to Petrogale Falls. Above the falls, the creek flows past high cliffs.
In the western section of the Park, Palmoondoora Creek offers interesting rock formations and lovely pools.
The campsites are always excellent. Below left is a campsite on Johnson Creek. Below right is a campsite on Palmoondoora Creek. The white dot in the second photo is the moon.
Palmoondoora flows over the magnificent Morgan Falls. Sadly none of our Morgan photos turned out well. But there are other, smaller waterfalls in the western part of the park such as the one shown at left.
Some of the best sunsets we have ever seen have been on Drysdale trips. The two photos below were taken from the same spot, the second fifteen minutes after the first.
There is far more to see than these few photos can show. Why not join us and experience the best that Drysdale River National park has to offer.

Click here to return to the description of Drysdale River National Park.

Click the links below to see the PDF notes describing our two Drysdale trips. Among other things, these explain how we get to and from the park.
Drysdale River National Park No. 1: June
Drysdale River National Park No. 2: June-July