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Western Arctic Spring, March 2006 Photo Gallery and Report
Part 2: Yukon Dogsled
Click the photos to see enlarged versions. Click your back button to return to this page. Hold your mouse pointer on the photos to see captions. Special thanks to the various participants for the use of some of their comments.
The first part of the trip took place in southeast Alaska. Two weeks later we were in the Yukon, leaving Whitehorse with Cathers Wilderness Adventures for ten days on dog sleds. We drove to the west side of Lake Lebarge and got ourselves and gear onto some dog sleds plus a skidoo trailer. Normally, we'd have all been given a team and let loose for the trip across the lake but the wind was so bad and the temperature so low that they kept the sleds hooked together and to the skidoo. This made for a slower trip than normal but it did keep things under control.
The two photos below show our first meeting with the dogs and a stop on the way across the lake.
It was after 2 when we arrived – straight to lunch, a modest one as dinner was only a couple of hours later. They put the three men on one cabin and the women in another. We then got a bit of a lesson in handling the sleds (without dogs attached). The photo t right shows the men's cabin. After breakfast we hitched the teams up. Each of the six teams had five dogs. With only two people to show us what to do, hitching up took a long time, but eventually it was done. It was even more of a hands on experience than I'd expected -- absolutely outstanding from that point of view.
And then we were off. The two photos below show us getting the dogs ready and just after the first sled went. The women's cabin is at left in that photo.
We headed up a hill and through the forest. There were some sharpishish turns, a few interesting rises and drops. Taking photos was easier done when we'd stopped, but sometimes possible on straight sections while driving the sled. The photo at left shows us at a hillside stop, Lake Laberge to the left. The second shows a turn. We kept going for about 8 km, then stopped for lunch in the woods where we made a fire. We had thermoses of hot water and a variety of drinks – cider, chocolate, soup, various teas. Hot dogs or toasted cheese for the vegetarian, brownies or other cakey things for dessert. Good food for fuel to keep warm. After lunch we turned for home, relatively uneventful coming back. We were told that we were doing very well for first timers. Day 3. This time we were aiming for a 30 km return, double the day before. The day was nice and clear. Hitching up took a lot less time as we now had an idea what to do. Once again it was up the hill but then we dropped down onto a lake. Driving along the lake was easy, just follow the sled in front. If you could get a camera out, you could take a photo. Our learning continued. The dogs love what they do. They want to run. When we had to stop for whatever reason, we had to turn the sleds onto their sides and anchor them as shown at right. Otherwise, the dogs would take off and keep going until the sled snagged on something. We got this right from the start, so we never lost a sled at a stop. The dogs are fed twice a day, morning and night. Lunch was for people only. While we ate, the dogs enjoyed a rest. Day 4, 17 March. A beautiful sunny, very cold day -37ºC in the morning was 8ºC lower than the previous low for 17 March in Whitehorse.
We'd learned the basics, now it was time to put them to the test. We were about to head off on a five day expedition. Packing for a trip of that length took extra time so we didn't set off until after lunch. The photo at right was taken not long before we left and shows a bit more of the main Cathers camp than the earlier photos.
We did a long run of about 35 km (four hours) down to the north end of Lake Laberge. This was as easy as it gets. I could turn around to take a photo of the sled behind. The person in front could turn around to see how those behind were doing. We got to camp with plenty of light to set up and feed the dogs. They got warm water and fish meal followed by frozen chicken mince (mince made of whole chickens, bones and all, run through the mincer twice to completely destroy the pieces of bone).
It was going to be a cozy night, five of us plus Jennine Cathers in a 9' x 12' tent. The contained a wood stove for heat which kept it much warmer than outside. The photos below show the tent when first set up.
Although the temperature was about -30ºC, yhe Yukon River was open and flowing well at the end of the lake where we had our camp. (The river never freezes over here.) This made getting water relatively easy. Relatively.
The ice near the edge might have been easy to break so Jennine was roped up as a preventative measure before she went to the edge where she chopped out a section of ice to allow her to dip closer to the safe ice.
Water which didn't need melting made feeding the dogs and ourselves much easier than it might have been. We had dinner sitting around a largish campfire outside at about -30ºC. Even bundled up near the fire, it was cold so we didn't last too long. There was a small bit of aurora visible to the north when we went to bed. It was too much for Kathy to resist. While the rest of us enjoyed the warmth of the tent, she slept outside at -36ºC so she could enjoy the light show. Amazing what you can do with a good sleeping bag. (Kathy is at the left in the left photo below. Ned Cathers at right.) Another lovely day. The steam from our cooking had left lovely patterns of frost on the trees. After feeding the dogs and then ourselves, we were off.
Cooking lunch in the snow can be a bit of a challenge, easily overcome with the right gear. The right gear was a metal pan for the fire so that melting snow didn't put it out.
Through the forest and across the lake. We were getting reasonably good by now. No way could anyone have taken a photo like the one at far left while driving a sled a few days earlier.
The words and photos here tell only a part of the story.
- Our Canadian Arctic Spring trip notes give you more information about what you can expect if you join us.
- Our Southeast Alaska photo gallery shows you a very different part of the trip.
Words and photos are no substitute for the real thing. Why not join us and see for yourself?