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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Isdell Photo Gallery

Click the photos to see enlarged versions. Click your back button to return to this page. Hold your mouse pointer on the photos to see captions.

We offer three different three week trips along the lower and middle Isdell. One begins and ends at Mt Hart homestead and covers the lower Isdell. One begins and ends at Silent Grove and covers the middle Isdell. One begins at Silent Grove and ends at Mt Hart and covers parts of the other two walks. Only one of these is offered in any given year.
Whether we begin at Mt Hart or at Silent Grove, we begin with a flight to a bush airstrip.

Trips beginning at Silent Grove do a short walk which brings them to Bell Creek Falls (shown at left). Another kilometre and they have a sandy beach campsite to themselves.

We visit Bell Creek Falls on our Gibb Road Gorges trips as well as on some of our Isdell trips.

We enjoy a variety of campsites. Some are grassy and some are on flat rock. All are next to beautiful pools, perfect for swimming.
Each of the many side creeks we explore has its own points of interest.
On every trip we encounter a number of Aboriginal art sites. Some are faded and hard to decipher. Some are in excellent states of preservation.
Some of the walking is very easy; some is not. Scrambling over large boulders or crossing fast flowing creeks isn't easy, but those sections are short so most people do not find it too difficult.
There is always time to have another swim or to simply relax and enjoy your surroundings.
Some of our trips spend a night at Mt Hart Homestead. If you would like to find out more about Mt Hart, click the link below. Their website has a variety of useful information.
Mt Hart website
There is far more to see than these few photos can show. Why not join us and experience the best that Isdell region has to offer.

Click here to return to the basic description of the Isdell River area.

Click the link below to see the PDF notes describing our next Isdell trip.
Isdell River trip notes