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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Kakadu Light 2005 Photo Gallery and Report

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The was a substantially younger group than the one we had in 2002 - also described on this website at Kakadu Light 2002 photo gallery.

Our first stop was Fogg Dam, less than 50 km from Darwin. Even on a short walk like this, we did manage to get quite close to the local resident shown at right. Later, on the Yellow Waters cruise, we got close enough to photograph a white bellied sea eagle.

Those who did the helicopter flight got some spectacular views of Magela Falls. On the Baroalba walk, we all got our feet wet crossing a creek that disappears later in the year.

The waterfalls in the southern part of the park are all flowing well at this time of year. Lower Motorcar and Kurrundie are shown at left. The two photos below show a swim at Moline Rock Pool and crossing Motorcar Creek above the lower falls.
Leaving Kakadu, we headed south to Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park. Along the marked trails and at places like Windolf Falls, we'd often meet others. Off the trail, we had it all to ourselves.
Walking off-trail does require a reasonable level of fitness and a willingness to exert yourself. The rewards include great views and the leisure to stop and enjoy the little things like the wildflowers that cover the land at this time of year.
From Katherine, we drove north to Edith Falls for a half day walk before continuing on to Litchfield. Spending the two nights on the edge of the park allowed us to visit the popular places without the tourists that congregate there in the middle of the day and visit lesser known spots which we had to ourselves. The photo at right shows Edith Falls. The two photos below show some of our group having a swim at Florence Falls, late in the afternoon after the masses had left and at a small off-the-beaten-track waterfall which we had to ourselves.

One of the places we stay at near Litchfield is a paradise for birdwatchers. The photos below show rainbow lorikeets and galahs coming in for a feed and two yellow-throated miners accompanied by a blue-faced honeyeater. The photo at right shows one of the locals we met in Litchfield.
On the final day, we visit the Territory Wildlife Park, a zoo with a difference. Here you get to see the local wildlife up close and personal.
The photos here combined with those on our main Kakadu Light page should give you a good idea of what you can expect if you join us. But words and photos are no substitute for the real thing. Why not join us and see for yourself?