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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Koolpin Gorge Gallery

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This gallery will take you through Koolpin Gorge and show you some of the differences you can expect at different times of year. We begin with the lower falls. The photo below left was taken looking upstream in a very wet December when it was impossible to safely cross the creek at the falls. The photo at right was taken looking downstream at the same falls in a much drier April.

The photo at right shows the group crossing the creek at the falls on the April trip shown above.

The two photos below show the same crossing in May a couple of years earlier. Some were happy to pass packs while others felt safer floating their packs a bit further upstream.

Once you have crossed the creek, you have to do a bit of a climb and a scramble to get past the next waterfall. The photos below show you that waterfall and a portion of the scramble.

From a point on the walk past the third falls, you can turn around get a grat view of the lower gorge as shown at right.

Above the falls, the terrain flattens out. The photos below show a wet season cascades, barely a trickle by the late Dry and a point where your route is determined by the water level. In the late Dry, you do it with dry feet. In the Wet, you have to climb around. In the early Dry, you can avoid the climb with a short wade as shown below right.

A bit further upstream the gorge narrows again and there is another waterfall. The left views below shows the falls from a high point. The one at right is the view downstream from near the top of the falls.
When water levels are high, you have climb around the central gorge and falls. When theyh are as low as they were on the June trip where the photo at right was taken, you can avoid the climb with by edging along the rock ledges on the side of the gorge.
As shown below, it's not all hard work. We often camp on a lovely sandy beach near the top of the gorge. On some early season trips, we may be accompanied by Aboriginal guides.

Koolpin Gorge is home to one of the greatest concentrations of Aboriginal rock art in Kakadu. In keeping with the wishes of the traditional owners, we do not put photos of the paintings on our website.

Near the top of the gorge, we drop our packs and do a walk into the hills so we can enjoy spectactuar views as shown at right.

From here, our circle trips continue upstream toward Twin Falls or Barramundi Creek while our Koolpin-Freezing walk continues to Freezing Gorge.

The photos above should give you a good idea of what you can expect on a walk through Koolpin Gorge but nothing can compare with the actual experience.

Use this link to go to our Freezing Gorge photo gallery.