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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Motorcar and Kurrundie Creek Gallery

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Motorcar and Kurrundie Creeks are two of the major creeks in the southern part of Kakadu. Motorcar dries up fairly quickly after the end of the wet season so this area is best visited during and immediately after the Wet.

The marked trail begins at the Yurmikmik car park and almost immediately crosses a small suspension bridge. The trail continues through open woodland and along an old 4WD track finally coming to an end at Motorcar Falls.

The three photos below show just how different Motorcar Falls can appear. The first was taken in February, the second in March and the third in April.
At Motorcar Falls we leave the day trippers behind and head into an off-track wilderness. One loop, sometimes done as a day walk, sometimes overnight, takes us to Kurrundie Falls, through the lower Kurrundie Gorge and back up the lower section of Motorcar Creek.
The possibility of flooding makes it too dangerous to camp in lower Kurrundie Gorge during the wet season. There are, however, a number of good campsites along Motorcar above the lower falls shown above.
The photos at right show wading across Lower Motorcar Falls and a tiny wet season creek that feeds into Motorcar just below those falls.

A fairly short but steep climb from near Motorcar Falls brings us onto the plateau where Motorcar Creek splits into a number of different branches. We often spend days exploring the gorges, pools and waterfalls we find here.

The two photos below show one of the pools and the beginning of the climb which takes us past it.

The two photos at right show the chute above the pool and some people on high point on the other side of it.
The four photos below show three more of the pools on the different branches of upper Motorcar plus someone enjoying a swim in one of them.
There are no trails for us to walk on here. Some of the walking is quite easy. Some is rather more difficult.
We always have time to stop and enjoy the flowers and other plants we find along the way.
We often include a walk to the central section of Kurrundie Creek. This takes us past a remarkably rocky area and brings us to some lovely pools.
We'll finish this gallery with a view of the upper falls on Kurrundie Creek and another of an early morning moon setting over the sunrise lit cliffs near Motorcar.

Click here to go to our Kakadu trip list and see which of our Kakadu Highlights trips visit this area.