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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Mitchell Plateau Photo Gallery 2

Donkins Creek

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Although many people visit Mitchell Falls each year, very few make it to Donkins Falls, a single 100 m drop. We use helicopters to bring us over or back so that we have the maximum amount of time to enjoy the area.

On some trips we land or take off from a small hill which has spectacular views over Prince Frederick Harbour to the west.

On other trips, we land near the top of Donkins Falls.

Donkins Falls is the highest single drop waterfall that we have found in the Kimberley. The views from above, below and from the helicopter are all spectacular. We do a walk to the bottom without packs. The centre photo below shows some of the rougher terrain. The photo at the right shows the magnificent pool we find at the base of the falls.

There are numerous Aboriginal rock art sites along Donkins Creek.

There are a number of beautiful pools and cascades in the first kilometre above Donkins Falls.

The gorge which begins about one km above Donkins Falls is very pretty, but very rugged so the going is slow. The rewards are good scenery, Aboriginal art sites and swims in pools like the one shown at the right.
Our first or last night on Donkins Creek is spent either at the pool above or at a flat rock area a bit further upstream.

There is far more to see than these few photos can show. Why not join us and experience the best that the Mitchell Plateau has to offer.

Click here to go to our Lower Mitchell River and Western Gorge Gallery. This is the best known area on the plateau.

Click here to go to our Camp Creek, Upper Mitchell River and Route to Donkins Gallery. This is another wonderful but little known area.

Click here to go to the Kimberley trip list where you can get information about the different Mitchell Plateau walks that we offer.