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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Arnhem-Jawoyn Land Photo Gallery

Click the photos to see better quality enlarged versions. Click your back button to return to this page. Hold your mouse pointer on the photos to see captions.

The terrain on this walk is a complete mix, ranging from flat and easy to rough, rocky and slow. We walk across open plains and follow creeks through gorges and past numerous waterfalls.
We visit a variety of art sites, some of which we can photograph and display, some of which we cannot. The two photos below show you one of the sites we were given permission to show and an example of the smaller wildlife waiting to be seen by anyone who takes the time.
The three photos below show you some of the rougher terrain along with one of the many refreshing swim stops we enjoy.
One of the more spectacular places we visit is the Upper Gorge on the Katherine River. This is the site of the largest waterfall we know of on the river.
In order to see as much of the upper gorge as possible, we use our food drop helicopter to take us to the bottom of the gorge from where we do a leisurely walk back to our camp.
We often get into campsites in the early afternoon giving you plenty of time to relax and enjoy your surroundings.
Have a chat, have a read, have a swim or just relax and soak up your surroundings. The choice is yours.
Here's some more of the relatively easy terrain.
The three photos below show you a lily pond, a grevillea in full bloom and one of the many spectacular unnamed gorges we visit. These grevilleas are often dripping with nectar -- delicious bush tucker.
Back in camp, you can let the guide pour you a cup of tea, watch the birds or have yet another swim.
We'll finish this gallery with photos of one final swim and of a campsite in the moonlight. If you look closely at the enlarged version, you can see the star trails from the long exposure.
There is far more to see ane enjoy on our Jawoyn Explorer than these few photos can show. Why not join us and experience it for yourself?

Click here to return to the main Jawoyn Explorer page.

Click here to download a pdf of the detailed notes that describe our Jawoyn Explorer trip.