Willis's Walkabouts Top-Level Menu


Kakadu & Top End

Jawoyn Explorer

May 7-27, 2017

Helping hand
Arnhem art
Daywalk to unnamed waterfall Relaxing at camp
Helicopter arriving with the food drop

Helicopter help.

A helicopter food drop cuts the amount of food you need to carry in half.

The helicopter allows you to do either half of the trip on its own.

You get a scenic flight through the little known upper gorge on the Katherine River. In some ways this is even more spectacular than the one the tourists visit far downstream.

Near the headwaters of Waterfall Creek

Terrain and difficulty. Although most of the terrain is not particularly difficult, there are a number of creek crossings and some fairly rough terrain. People who have never done any off-track walking are likely to find it more difficult than those who have had such experience.

Don't even think about booking until you've read the Jawoyn Explorer detailed trip notes.

Special Note

It has been many years since we last had the bookings to run this trip. We need to renegotiate all permissions before we can run it again. Given the time it takes on both sides, we will not begin this until we have expressions of interest in the trip.

For more information about this trip or to find out how to book email us for Jawoyn Explorer Information

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Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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