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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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The Munja Track

Click the photos to see enlarged versions. Click your back button to return to this page. Hold your mouse pointer on the photos to see captions. Please be patient while the photos load.

The Munja Track is 220 km long. Some of it is relatively flat and easy, but some of it is incredibly rough and slow. There are numerous creek crossings, some of which are difficult. The following photos give you a taste of what you can expect.
The track goes through a number of relatively boggy areas and does not normally become passable until July.
With a track like this, it is inevitable that you will have to camp next to the track on every trip which uses it. The photo at the right shows one of these campsites.
Travelling the Munja Track is an experience not to be missed. Travelling it twice on one trip seems excessive so all our trips are scheduled to fly in or out.

Click here to return to the main Charnley-Munja page.

Click here to return to the gallery page if you want to see more photos of the Munja Track area.

Charnley Trip Notes