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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Roger Sheppeard's Gregory 2001 Photo Gallery

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The photos below were all taken by Roger Sheppeard and may make more sense when viewed in conjunction with his written diary/trip report. Photos from individual rolls of film have been kept in order where possible but the order of the rolls of film is that on the disk Roger sent us.
Roger edited nine rolls of film (324 photos) down to a selection of 49, all of which have been included here.

The two photos below are at the first lunch site.

The two photos at right show typical gorge scenery, views in all directions. Russell and Oskar are the photographers.
Here are a couple of late afternoon shots in the gorge.
More typical gorge scenery. Notice the huge size of the rock shelter in the centre photo. Shelters like this would make for a great wet season walk.
The strange head on the snake painting below right indicates that it is probably a rainbow serpent rather than a real snake.
The first two photos below show one of the climbs and more typical vegetation.
The left photo below shows the fern-leafed grevillea, G. pteridifolia. When you can find a fresh one, dripping with nectar, you can enjoy one of the nicest bits of bush tucker in the north.
The second photo shows the area just above a waterfall. The two photos below these show camp scenes.
The photo at right was taken on day 13. It shows one of the group going along the narrow ledge mentioned in Roger's diary. Lucky we weren't carrying full packs at this time!
The film which begins here appears to begin with the boab mentioned on day 6 in Roger's diary. The first photo shows the boab; the next two show some of the vegetation which made that afternoon's walk so slow.
The two photos at right were taken on the same roll of film as those above and are from the central part of the trip.
The next five photos were from the same film and include the hawk trap and stick insect mentioned in Roger's day 8.
The first photo at right was taken on the same roll of film as those above. The one next to it and the four below from another roll which included the art site mentioned on day 12. Both photos at right show the kinds of climbs we do getting into and out of the different gorges.
The two photos below show some of the flat walking over the top between gorges.
The two photos below show the day 11 campsite and the big shelter and artsite found on day 12.
The two photos at right and the two below were taken on the same roll of film. This was probably fairly early in the trip. Pushing through thick, sticky spinifex as shown at the far right is the most difficult walking on the entire trip. Fortunately, there is not much of it.
The next five photos were taken on the same film, probably toward the middle of the trip.
The final five photos were taken on the last two days of the trip. The two photos below were taken on our final day walk.

The photo at left shows a small tree in the late afternoon sun. The two photos below show the group and the final campsite.

From left to right, the group consists of: Oskar, Russell, Daan, Simone, Roger, Rachel, Christian, Kym. Alan took the photo.

Many thanks to Roger Sheppeard for the use of his diary and photos.

Click here to go to the main page for Gregory National Park.

Click here to go to Roger Sheppeard's diary which describes the trip where these photos were taken.