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Kakadu & Top End

Top End Areas

Gregory National Park

Scenic view over the edge of the Stokes Range

Gregory is a wonder. At 13000 sq km, it is about the same size as the US state of Connecticut, larger than Jamaica. Gregory lies in a transition zone between the monsoonal tropics to the north and the arid lands to the south. It contains large, permanent pools, good for fishing and swimming. The landscape includes a wide variety: sandstone escarpments, limestone hills, shady rock shelters, and beautiful, deep paperpark-lined lagoons set in red-walled gorges.

Gregory Pool at sunset

The park is split into two sections. Our trips visit both parts of the park as well as the Aboriginal owned Stokes Range which divides them. The terrain varies from flat and easy to moderately rough and scrubby. On a Gregory walk, you may find yourself walking across an open plateau seeing no hint of anything but rolling hills covered in spinifex. Ten minutes later you are in a hidden gorge, standing next to a deep pool getting ready for a swim. No matter how often we go there, Gregory always offers new and pleasant surprises.

See our old Gregory Photo Gallery. The photos are small and old but they do give a taste of what you'll find.

See the diary one of our clients, Roger Sheppeard, wrote during our 2001 Gregory Explorer 2001.

See Roger Sheppeard's Gregory Photo Gallery. As above, the photos are small and old but when viewed along with the diary, they give a good feel for what it is like.

Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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