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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Mary River Houseboat Photo Gallery

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A day and night in a houseboat on the Mary River makes a perfect way to finish one of our Build Up trips. The two photos below show the boat as seen from the shore on two different parts of the river.

At this time of year, birds congregate in their thousands. They aren't too concerned about the houseboats, so you can get quite close. The two photos below show a group of magpie geese and a pair of white breasted sea eagles.
You see a lot more than birds. We got up close to several large crocodiles as well as to the jabiru shown below. The photo doesn't do the bird justice. If the light had been better, you could have seen the magnificent green sheen on the neck and head.
The crocodiles may make swimming impossible, but they have no effect on the little touches of luxury we can add at meal times. Binoculars and big cameras are no problem when you don't have to carry them.
Comfy and dry on the boat, we could enjoy an afternoon shower and the rainbow which followed. In the evening, we watched flocks of birds pass by overhead.
In the evening, we were treated to a truly magnificent sunset.
We'll leave the gallery, back on the boat looking for you to join us on another cruise someday.

We do the Mary River houseboat cruise on our Kakadu Highlights No. 11 and Kakadu Highlights No. 12 trips.