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Willis's Walkabouts Rather Older Picture Galleries

These are a selection of rather older galleries that have not yet been updated, but why miss out on them completely just because they are not quite as shiny as the new ones?
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Kimberley Coast Explorer

March-April 1995 Photo Gallery

Hold your mouse pointer on any photo to see a caption. Click on the photo to see an enlarged version.

Berkeley to King George
Berkeley Gorge is almost 20 km long, well worth all the time we give it.
The white lines on the ground in the photo above right shows where the ants had cleared the pebbles that covered the ground to make paths to walk along. None of us had ever seen anything like this before.
As the photos above and below show, Camp Quagmire wasn't quite as bad as it may have sounded in Avis's story. Our radio has been replaced by a satellite phone, but nothing we can carry can be 100% reliable. There are too many things which can go wrong.
Mark and Geoff were very helpful in getting everyone across the final creek before our food drop.
If we had to be stuck without much food, this was a pretty place to be.
King George to the Drysdale River
One of the two photos below was taken in the day. The other was a long exposure on a tripod in the moonlight.
The photo at the near right shows the west branch of King George, similar to the photo Mark took shown in Avis's story. The photo at the far right is another waterfall we camped at a few days after leaving King George.
The photo below left shows the view from near the unnamed falls above. The other is an art site we found in that area. The Bradshaw style paintings are believed to be much older than the Wandjinnas.
We had to go through some swampy sections near King George. After that, the ground was reasonably dry but we still had to wade through a number of creeks.
Drysdale River and Surrounds
The photos above and below show some of the varied terrain we walked through on the final section near the Drysdale River. There was broken rock, flat rock, fields of flowers and more.
Moving downstream, we passed huge pools and walked through a 20 metre deep gorge.

Less than three kilometres from where the last photo above was taken, we walked into the Alligator Airways Fish Camp where we enjoyed a cold drink while waiting for the float plane to take us back to civilisation. Cyclone Chloe had turned our expedition into an amazing adventure. We had seen the coastal waterfalls and wet season wildflowers at their spectacular best.

None of our other Kimberley Coast trips have been quite as challenging but everyone who has done one has finished with wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

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