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Frequently Asked Questions

Crocodiles! What crocodiles?

The big, dangerous estuarine (saltwater) crocs don't climb waterfalls! If, as we do, you restrict your swimming to the escarpment country, there is no chance you'll meet one. Better still, the vast majority of the mosquitos stay down in the lowlands with the big crocs. Walk the wilderness plateaus or stay with the tourists, crocodiles, mosquitos and vehicles in the lowlands. Come north and the choice is yours.

Want to know more about crocs? Try these links.

The croc page on kingsnake.com links to pages with general info about both freshwater (Johnston) and saltwater (estaurine) crocodiles.

The Crocodylus porosus page gives more detailed info about the big estaurine crocs.

The Crocodylus johnstonii page gives more detailes info about the small, harmless freshwater crocs.

Is there somewhere I can store things during the trip?

Most hotels and hostels will store things during tours. If you cannot arrange this, we have a limited amount of space available in Darwin and Kununurra.

On any trip where the vehicle remains with the trip, you can also leave some things in the vehicle during each walk.

Can you cater for vegetarians?

Our guides pride themselves on being able to cater for any and all dietary restrictions. All you have to do is indicate your preferences on the registration form.

How much time will we spend in the vehicles?

This varies greatly. From Darwin, it normally takes at least four hours to get to any of the bushwalking areas in Kakadu. Some Kimberley trips include long drives. On some trips where you fly in and out, you might spend less than two hours in a vehicle over the entire course of a two week trip.

How far will we walk each day?

On most trips, you will spend a total of four to six hours walking each day. Because of the different types of terrain which are covered, the actual distance can be anywhere between three and twenty kilometres.

How heavy will my pack be?

This is partly a matter of individual preference. On a level 0 trip where you carry only a day pack, this could weigh up to five kg as you might have to carry as much as three litres of water in the Red Centre.

On a level 1 trip, if you follow our advice on what to bring, you should be able to keep your pack weight down to eight kg or less.

On standard trips, levels 2-5, you should never need to carry more than 15-18 kg. Many people can get by with somewhat less, especially on the easier trips. Some experienced walkers, especially keen photographers, may choose to carry more.

Do I need hiking boots?

Although many people prefer to hike in sandshoes or runners, most inexperienced walkers find that lightweight hiking boots give better support.

Do I need a sleeping bag?

In the Top End and the Kimberley, you do not normally need a sleeping bag during the months of November through March and can often get away without one in October and April. At other times, a lightweight sleeping bag should suffice.

In the Red Centre and Pilbara, you always need a good sleeping bag.

Do I need a tent?

We recommend that everyone carry a tent on all Red Centre and Pilbara trips and on wet season (December-March) trips in the Top End and Kimberley. At other times, you need no more than a mosquito net. A tent fly over the net can, however, keep off the dew and act as insurance against the unlikely event of rain.

Is wet season access a problem?

No. Although some minor tracks close for the season, almost all major roads remain open except for very brief periods during the most extreme conditions. Our itineraries use only the main roads and can go to places not normally accessible during the drier times. Click here for more information about the wet season.

How difficult are the walks?

Go to our "How hard are the trips?" page.

Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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