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Kimberley & Pilbara

Munja Explorer

Claire Falls, photo J Bodegraven

We begin with a flight from Kununurra to the Munja airstrip near Walcott Inlet. We meet our vehicle(s) there and spend a short time having a good look around the area near the mouth of the Calder River where we can often see a variety of birds. We will then do a long drive to Wren Gorge where we find a lovely small waterfall, several beautiful pools and an abundance of Aboriginal rock art. We plan to carry our gear only about 500 metres from the track to a nice spot on the creek.

Landing on the Munja airstrip Boat painting near tidal rapids

Continuing along the track, we come to a small safari camp near Bachsten Falls, nice enough but there is much better a bit further. We will do a four or five day loop down the creek below the falls, through a pass to another creek, up a gorge to another waterfall and finally back to where we began. By taking our time, we can drop our packs and explore well beyond where we have been before without having to carry our packs any further. On our previous visits, we found a number of Aboriginal art sites. With more time, we should find more. For those who are interested, the fishing should be excellent.

Bachsten Falls Bachsten Creek Falls, few people get this far Bachsten Creek Gorge, we walk through this gorge on the way to Bachsten Creek Falls
Pearson River at the start of the walk, photo R Baillie

Back on the main Munja track, we continue to the Pearson River where we bigin a six or seven day walk exploring a beautiful gorge to the north of the track that some of our friends visited several years ago.

Click the photo at right if you don't see the people.

Gorge Pool, photo R Baillie Open walking, photo R Baillie

During the walk we walk along flat ground, scramble along ledges, swim in beautiful pools and float our packs through at least one pool.

Flat rock campsite, photo R Baillie Beginning the pack float, photo R Baillie

When we return to the vehicles, we drive to Mount Elizabeth Homestead and spend the night in the station campground. The following morning, we drive to Drysdale Station, stopping en route for a bit more exploration, before spending our final night in station accommodation.

Terrain and difficulty. This trip will have a bit of everything. Lots of rock hopping and scrambling, flat rock, boulders, sand, thick scrub, open woodland, at least one pack float and almost anything else you can name. Some days will be long and hard but we expect to have a few short, easy ones as well.

Your rewards are beautiful beautiful gorges; tropical pools, perfect for swimming; spectacular views; Aboriginal art sites and an incredible Kimberley wilderness experience no other operator can offer you.

Gallery of photos from the Bachsten Creek area

Gallery of photos from the walk north of the Pearson River

For more information about this trip or to find out how to book email us for Munja Explorer Information

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Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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