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Bushwalking guide

Our Bushwalking Guide is one of the most comprehensive pre-trip information booklets offered by any tour operator anywhere in the world. The 14 short chapters tell you everything you need to know to prepare yourself properly and get the maximum pleasure from your trip.

  1. What to bring. Explains every item you need (and don't need) in our climate. Lists a few extras you might want to consider.
  2. Buying Equipment and Pre-Trip Training. Information for those who have never done an overnight walk before.
  3. Food. Explains the kind of food we provide and what foods you might wish to consider when walking in tropical conditions.
  4. Walk Plan. How long you can expect to walk, the kinds of terrain you may encounter, etc.
  5. Transportation. Information about our vehicles and the other transport we use.
  6. Travel Connections and Pickups. Information about meeting points, connecting with other transport, etc.
  7. Health, Dehydration and Bushwalking in the Tropics. Information you need to avoid health problems.
  8. Personal Hygiene. Bush toileting, etc.
  9. Danger and Accidents. How to avoid accidents and what might happen if you had an accident.
  10. Flora and Fauna. A brief introduction plus a list of references for those who want more information.
  11. Climate. A general description of the climate in the areas where walk plus detailed tables giving you information about temperature and rainfall.
  12. Equipment Hire. What we have and what it costs.
  13. Catalogue. Maps, books and a few other things we have available for purchase.
  14. Final Checklist. Something to help you make sure you have everything you need without bringing too much.

Download a PDF file of our Bushwalking Guide.

Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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