Light-Pack Bushwalking Links
Our latest update
We published our last update about Ultralight Walking in our Newsletter 68.
Other links
Warmlite. This is an American site. Relatively easy to use. Lightweight gear. Been around a long time.
Golite. An American site. Will ship to Australia. We've tried some of their gear and liked it. Easy to use site.
REI. An American site. Largest retailer in the US. (Co-op) Own gear plus many others. Easy to use.
Mountain Equipment Coop. Canadian site. Largest retailer in Canada. (Co-op). Own gear plus many others. Easy to use.
Paddy Pallin. Australian site. Paddy Pallin stores. Own gear plus others. Good site. Easy to use.
Mountain Designs. Australian site. Own gear. Easy to use.
Snowgum. Australian site. Own gear plus others. Relatively easy to use.
Wilderness Equipment. Australian site. Own gear. Easy to use. One of the few sources of good rectangular fly sheets.
Kathmandu. New Zealand & Australia. Own gear.
Macpac. New Zealand. Own gear often sold in Australia. Site is reasonably easy to use if you know exactly what you ae looking for. It is, however, difficult to browse.
Korjo. Australia. Own travel gear. Good pillows. Look at product range, then personal comfort. Site easy to use. Can order direct.
Backpacker Magazine. American site. Backpacker magazine. Good gear reviews. Links to one of the most useful sites of all ...
Gearfinder. American site, from Backpacker magazine. Choose your criteria and get comparisons of dozens of different tents, sleeping bags, stoves or whatever.
Finally, another page of links.

Peak to Peak Ultralight Page. Another American site. This one has links to many other sites including private ones where people describe what they've done to minimise their pack weights on long trips.