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Kakadu & Top End

Kakadu Highlights No. 4: May 20 - June 2, 2018

Small falls on Dinner Creek

The photos below give you a taste of what you can expect if you take part.

Section 1: Dinner to Motorcar: May 7-14

Dinner Creek climb Upper Dinner Creek

The walk into Dinner Creek is fairly flat. There is one steep climb as shown at the left. We then walk across the relatively flat plateau to Kurrundie and Motorcar Creeks where we once again enter a rocky area.

Kurrundie Falls Small cascades on Motorcar Creek Motorcar rock climb

This is the only walk we offer which covers the section between Dinner and Kurrundie Creeks.

Section 2: Koolpin to Waterfall: May 14-20

Koolpin Gorge is one of the most spectactacular places in Kakadu. If the 4WD track remains closed, as is often the case at this time of year, we will have it all to ourselves..

Koolpin Gorge waterfall Kooolpin Creek campsite

From Koolpin, we walk through a pass and drop down into the upper reaches of Barramundi Creek to a lovely campsite next to a huge pool.

Barramundi Valley pool Dinner time, Barramundi Valley campsite

From the big pool, we climb to a high point between Barramundi and Waterfall Creeks. After a stop to enjoy the views from the top, we drop down to the next level where we get a very different view.

High view, Waterfall Creek headwaters View from below, Waterfall Creek headwaters

While walking between the two photos above, we pass a small cave which some have said was their favourite part of Kakadu. We then drop down to a small gorge, another good spot for a rest, before walking across the plain above Gunlom Falls.

Waterfall Creek at the entrance to the cave Rest time in the gorge Termite mound on the Waterfall Creek Plateau

After a final night camped next to a pool on Waterfall Creek, we walk to the top of Gunlom Falls, follow the marked track to the bottom where we collect the vehicle that will take us back to Darwin.

See a photo gallery from our 2003 trip. That trip was called Kakadu Highlights No. 3. It was the same trip in spite of the change in name.

Kakadu Highlights No. 4 detailed trip notes.

For more information about this trip or to find out how to book email us for Kakadu Highlights No. 4 Information

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Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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