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Kimberley & Pilbara

Kimberley Highlights No.2

Aug 18 - Sep 3, 2016

Walking by one of the Cockburn Gorges

Section 1: Ord River Canoe: Aug 18-21

Paddling down the Ord

We begin with a leisurely paddle between the dams on the Ord, watching the birds and doing some short acclimatisation walks along the way

Note. No previous canoe experience is necessary. This is as easy a paddle as you can find. The walks take you to some lovely waterfalls you can't get to in any other way. It makes a great way to prepare yourself for the longer walks which follow.

Pelican. The canoe allows you to get quite close to the birds. Another view of paddling down the Ord

Section 2: Carr Boyd Range: Aug 22-27

Climbing up to the plateau

After a night in Kununurra at the end of the first section, we take a boat back up the Ord and get dropped off near a series of waterfalls. After a swim at the first pool, we climb to the top of the plateau.

Once on top, we work our way north, stopping to enjoy the many pools and waterfalls along the way. At the edge of the range, we are met by the vehicle which drives us back to Kununurra.

Carr Boyd swim Packsaddle Falls

See a gallery of photos of the Carr Boyd Range.

Section 3: Cockburn Range: Aug 28 - Sep 3

The Cockburn Range contains some of the most spectacular gorges in the Kimberley. Some of the walking is flat and relatively easy. Some of it includes rock hopping and walking along rock ledges.

Walking on the flats Walking on a rock ledge

Not only is the scenery specatcular, we also find a number of Aboriginal art sites.

Enjoying the view Cockburn painting. Some of the paintings are in a very different style

These photos give you a hint of what the trip is like but they are no substitute for the actual experience.

Looking up from next to a pool Cockburn swim

See a gallery of photos of the Cockburn Range.

Terrain and difficulty. The walking is a complete mix. Some will be flat and easy (just how easy depends on the current state of the vegetation which can vary dramatically from year to year). There will be some short, but steep climbs and some rock hopping. There are one or two places where floating your pack a short distance saves you a long and tedious climb. Overall, we rate this as moderate difficulty.

Your rewards are beautiful pools, gorges and an incredible Kimberley wilderness experience no other operator can offer you.

Kimberley Highlights No.2 trip notes - contain detailed information about the terrain and difficulty on each section.

For more information about this trip or to find out how to book email us for Kimberley Highlights No.2 Information

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Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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