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Willis's Walkabouts Newsletter 55, August 2011

Kakadu Bushwalking Review. At long last, the Kakadu bushwalking Review is underway. The next few months will determine what happens to bushwalking in Australia's largest national park for the next ten years or more. I've held off sending this newsletter out because we need your input. Finally, we're ready to receive it.

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In this issue

Kakadu Bushwalking Review

Have your say.

This is the most important item which has ever gone into this newsletter.

Kakadu is Australia's largest national park. It was the first park to be owned and jointly managed by the Aboriginal traditional owners. What happens in Kakadu will set a precedent for all jointly managed parks throughout Australia. If you have ever been to Kakadu, think you might ever go to Kakadu, or think your children or grandchildren night ever want to visit Kakadu, it is important to have your say.

Bushwalking in Kakadu is currently restricted to a few specific routes. While some of the traditional owners would like to see it opened up a bit, others would like to see it restricted even more. There are even some who would like to see overnight bushwalks banned entirely. For those who are interested, I have prepared a short paper about the history of bushwalking in Kakadu.

Please go to the Kakadu Bushwalking Survey and fill it in. Most people will be able to finish it in ten minutes or less. A few who have had particular experiences might take half an hour.

If few people take the time to fill in the questionnaire, it will be assumed that most people don't care. Please help! Your response will help ensure that bushwalking in Kakadu has a real future.

Finally, there are a few interesting questions I was unable to include in the main questionnaire. If you ever had a problem obtaining a permit to do a walk in Kakadu, please send an email to walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au. If I can collect enough information about permit problems, it might help improve things in the future.

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Last Trips for 2011

For the first time in our 25 year history, we will have had more people do our trips in the early part of the year than in peak July and August. We've also had more late bookings than ever before. If we don't have the bookings we need to run a trip at least two months in advance, that trip is very unlikely to run. There are now only three Australian trips available before Christmas.


Finke Gorge & Watarrka National Parks: 11 September - 1 October
After years of drought, the Centre is green again for the 2nd year in a row. By September, the wildflowers should be in full bloom and the waterholes beginning to get warm enough for a swim. If there's any way I can get away from the Kakadu Bushwalking Review, I'm going to lead this one myself — it's too good to miss. In fact, I want to do it so much that I've agreed to run section two for three people at no extra charge.
Two of the largest parks in the Centre are well known for Palm Valley and Kings Canyon, but not so well known for their excellent bushwalks — that means we are likely to have the walking to ourselves.
Special Offer. Anyone booking this trip is welcome to a free ride from Darwin to Alice Springs before the trip and from Alice Springs to Darwin afterwards.

The Build Up

Our Build Up trips are the most laid back and relaxed that we offer — early starts, early finishes and long lunch breaks sitting by tranquil pools. On Kakadu Highlights No. 11 and Kakadu Highlights No. 12 you finish the trip with a night on a houseboat.
Special Offer. I (Russell Willis) enjoy the Build Up walks so much that I’ll run either Kakadu Highlights 11 or Kakadu Highlights 12 for as few as 2 people at no extra charge. Join me and see why I think this is such a special time of year.

Note. This year, I can only run one or the other of these, not both.

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Gluttons for Punishment?

Some of our clients do trips which go far beyond anything we offer.

Gernot Heiser and Trudy Weibel who did our Bungles trip in April, skied to the South Pole in January 2009. If you're interested in serious adventure, I recommend you have a look at their website. This was a commercial trip. If you're fit enough and have the money, you can do it too. One thing they mentioned applies just as well to our trips, "Mental strength is just as important as physical fitness." Although most of our clients are experienced bushwalkers, many are not. I'll never forget one trip where a young, fit bloke dropped out in misery after the first section while a less fit couple, twice his age, continued to the end, had a great time and came back for another trip years later. The difference was they were mentally prepared for the trip to be a bit of a challenge.

Don Folbigg who did our six week Kimberley Coast trip in March & April this year, went home and joined Jeff Johnson on part of his East to West charity walk across Australia. Walking on roads proved harder than off-track in the Kimberley so Don had to pull out but he's managed to get back in a support role for the final part.

If any of the rest of you have some interesting tales of adventure you'd like to share, please pass them along.

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Overseas Trips Update

Patagonia 2011

The situation remains the same as in April. We have two trips on offer but only one can run. The two people who paid deposits still haven't expressed a definite preference. I've had several more enquiries since April, one of whom has just said that a deposit is coming. If I don't have five deposits by mid August, I'll have to cancel the trip — all the more of a pity as I was hoping to lead it myself.

Given my involvement with the Kakadu Bushwalking Review, my preference is for the shorter trip. If that runs, I would be happy to organise an unguided walk in Torres del Paine in southern Chile for anyone who is interested. Torres del Paine is spectacular, but it is also the most popular trekking park in South America. You don't need a guide to do it on your own.

Although we'll be further south, the Puyehue volcano eruption will certainly have an effect on our trip. At times its ash has been so extensive that it's closed airports in Australia as well as in Chile and Argentina. I camped on the edge of Puyehue with one of my groups in the snow in December 2003. I suspect it's a bit warmer now. For those who are interested, here are two good links.

If you are interested in our Patagonia trip this year, you'll need to contact me as soon as possible.

Scandinavia 2012

My Swedish friends have come back with some suggestions and the first draft trip notes are now on line. This trip will contain more true wilderness bushwalking than many people think is possible in Europe. Please let us know if you'd like more information as it comes to hand.


Our southern Africa trips will not be running again before March 2012. If you are interested in something sooner and want a trip with plenty of walking without carrying a full pack, you might want to have a look at Safari & Travel. The owner is a South African currently based in Kununurra. I've spoken with him on several occasions— his trips sound interesting to me so if any of you do join up, I'd like to hear what you thought of them.

As for our own African trips, this short video will give you a taste of what's involved — and show you what makes our trips different.

Crisis Vacationing

I had never heard of the concept of "crisis vacationing" until I came across an article which included the following paragraph.

"The concept of "crisis vacationing" may sit a little uneasily with some folk. These would be the same people who steered clear of Balinese beaches after the 2004 tsunami, who avoided Thailand after last year's protests and who gave Mumbai a wide berth after the 2008 terrorist attacks. Heading to these places so soon after either man- or Mother Nature-made disasters strike is just cold-hearted, they contend, a slap in the face for those innocents suffering under the weight of the misery visited upon them. Here's why they're wrong..."

The beginning of the article containing the quote is about Greek economic woes. The quote is the ninth paragraph. Whether or not you agree with the economic theories being espoused, I think that the author has a very good point. If you are going overseas, why not consider going somewhere where you can make a difference. Here's the link to the full article. I think that the part from the paragraph above is well worth a read.

Following the volcanic eruptions in Chile, our Patagonia trip might qualify.

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The Future of National Parks

This is a topic which, I admit, scares me. Parks around the world are under threat as never before. We live in a society which depends on unsustainable consumption. Anything without an obvious economic value is considered a to be worth little. Until economic theory recognises that things like forests in watersheds have a tremendous economic value in ensuring an adequate supply of clean water to cities, the pressure to develop and destroy will continue. Here are a few examples.

What are we up against in the longer term? Here's quote from an article in the autumn 2010 issue of The Bushwalker, a quarterly magazine put out by the NSW confederation of Bushwalking Clubs. "At a National Parks Australia Council meeting last September, Minister Garrett said that national parks need to be less constrained by conservation. He thinks national parks need to raise more funds, rather than relying entirely on the public purse. He is equally insistent that the push to increase accommodation and infrastructure for high-end tourism is needed in national parks to help them pay their way." Garrett may no longer be the minister, but those ideas are stronger than ever.

The list goes on. but if you think it's bad here, consider what's happening in the USA. State parks are being forced to make cuts to services and to commercialise access simply because they have no funds. In other instances, they are simply being closed.. Australia follows American examples in many ways. Given what's already happening, I can't help but wonder if this could happen here.

I'd much prefer to put good news about parks in these newsletters so if you have any you'd like to share — or if you have any bad news that you think needs a wider audience — please let me know.

As long as I'm mentioning Americans, I found a very interesting correlation between passports and the way they think. People with passports, a minority in the USA, are much less likely to share "the assumption that modern medicine in general is something only we lucky free-market Americans have, while in Europe they’re still using leeches or something. In other words, it’s part of the superiority complex you often encounter in U.S. politics; people just know that we’re the best, and won’t believe you when you tell them that actually they have the Internet, cell phones, and antibiotics in Europe too." The quote was from a column by Paul Krugman which I can no longer find. Having grown up in America, albeit in one of the few states where more than 60% of the adult population holds a passport, I'm only too aware of how ignorant a majority of Americans are with regard to the rest of the world.

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Using Our Taxes to Export Jobs to China

The mind boggles. How about a government agency spending your tax money in an effort to ensure that Australian jobs go overseas and that cities and farmers have less water in the future? Personally, I can't understand the logic behind it. Is it simply ignorance? Someone trying to ensure that someone else makes a quick buck at the expense of our future? Or are we becoming more like America where they have the best politicians that money can buy?

One of my guides, Don Butcher, has put together a nine-page paper explaining what's going on. It's full of photos and links to other sites where you can find more information. I'd like to say more, but I'm at a loss for words. Have a look at Don's report and see for yourself.

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Computers and Our Lives

Try as you might, you can't escape the fact that computers are an ever increasing part of our lives. Here are a few interesting items I've found since the last newsletter.

Spear Phishing

This one is dangerous. Spear phishing is a rapidly proliferating form of fraud that comes with a familiar face: messages that seem to be from co-workers, friends or family members, customized to trick you into letting your guard down online. And it has turned into a major problem, according to technology companies and computer security experts. If you have email, you owe it to yourself to have a read.


As someone who struggles with Facebook, I find it difficult to realise just how important it has become in some people's lives. The "fear of missing out" has become a real problem for some people who let their lives be ruled by social sites like Facebook & Twitter. I can't help but wonder where it will take us in the longer term.

Mobile phones

Why do we need to be contactable every minute of every day? Finding a public phone is becoming a challenge. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see owning a mobile become compulsory. A win! A couple of months ago when I went to fill in a feedback form on the Australia Post website it required you to include a mobile phone number. Now i t still requires a phone, but it can now be a land line as well as a mobile. I don't know why you need a phone at all.

Gadgets to get rid of

With more and more "stuff" coming into our lives, here are a few suggestions as to Gadgets You Should Get Rid Of (or Not).

That article produced a good response. Here are some of those replies.

Manners in the electronic age

Add one more achievement to the digital revolution: It has made it fashionable to be rude. Keep your thumbs still when I'm talking to you explains why if someone "is looking over your shoulder at a room full of potentially more interesting people, she is ill-mannered. If, however, she is not looking over your shoulder, but into a smartphone in her hand, she is not only well within modern social norms, but is also a wired, well-put-together person." Where will it end? One good thing about being out bush is that it's not yet possible to use your normal mobile phone or remain wired into the internet. That may be one reason why a lot of people are no longer interested in the kind of trips we offer — they can't stand the thought of being out of contact for that long.

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Animals We Eat & Those That We Don't

It would be pretty hard not to be aware of the controversy surrounding live cattle exports. It seems to me that there is a bit of a double standard here. Last year, the NT ombudsman issued a report about a property belonging to Charles Darwin University where there was "a catastrophic failure in ensuring reasonable animal health and welfare". What happened in the Indonesian abattoirs was bad. What happened to the cattle slowly starving to death in the NT was, in my opinion, even worse. No one was charged over the incident.

Some animals are more equal than others. Those we eat have far fewer rights than those we don't. The link at the beginning of this paragraph tells of a young woman who spent a night in gaol for killing a hamster. While I can't condone what she did, I can't see how it rates a night in gaol when you look at what happened on the NT cattle property.

Taking it to an extreme, one author who had become a vegetarian mused that he "couldn’t actually explain to myself or anyone else why killing an animal was any worse than killing the many plants I was now eating." Plants may not have faces, but they like life too.

Evolution has designed all animals, people included, to depend on eating plants or other animals. Where do you draw the line? What is acceptable and what is not? Once upon a time, it seemed perfectly acceptable to dissect a live, unanaesthetised animal to see how it worked inside. Now it's not. Maybe someday we'll only eat food grown in vats, nothing that once had a life of its own. Maybe, if things continue in their current direction, that will be all that remains.

It's worth a thought.

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New World Heritage for WA

To quote from a WA press release, "World Heritage listing is the highest global recognition of the importance of a site." WA has just scored one and seems to be about to score another.

The Ningaloo Coast was added to the World Heritage list on 24 June for its natural beauty and biological diversity. In particular, the Ningaloo Coast was included on the World Heritage list in recognition of its

You can find more information at the Australian Government Ningaloo World heritage page.

As if that wasn't enough, apparently the West Kimberley will get a heritage listing in August.

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The ultimate camera?

It's not quite on the market, but the prototype is there — a camera where you can shoot first, focus later.

Want a new camera?

If you are interested in buying a camera other than a very basic point & shoot, I strongly recommend that you have a look at the dpreview.com website and, in particular at their Buying Guide. You can list the features that you are looking for and see what cameras offer them. You'll also find in depth reviews of most of the better ones. I've bought my three (so far) digital cameras based on what I've found there and will do the same for my next one.

Bushwalking Photography

As long as I'm mentioning photography, I should mention our Kakadu & Nitmiluk Photographic trip. This one is in the Wet but, if the demand is there, we can offer a similar trip in the Dry.


More and more cameras will shoot video as well as still photos. I did some experimenting on my last trip to South Africa. Tracey Dixon kindly did some editing. You can see the resulting short video on our website. If anyone else has some good, short video footage from any of our trips, I'd love to see them.

The Ultimate Walkabouts Photo

I don't have it! It's driving me crazy. I have taken thousands of photos over the years — thousands of photos without a single one that really sums up what Willis's Walkabouts is about. I've got lots of photos that are good, but none that are great. There's always some little thing that's not quite right. If you have a good photo that you think really shows what our trips are like, a photo that you would be happy to see appear on our website and/or in one of our ads, I'd dearly love a copy.

People, water, packs, smiles, campsites, relaxing, camp fires — those are some of the things which stand out to me. Maybe something else stands out to you. I don't think you can get everything into a single photo but surely someone has managed something that's better than anything I've done to date.

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I try not to get too political in these newsletters but sometimes there is an issue which I feel I have to mention. GetUp, an organisation which calls themselves "an independent movement to build a progressive Australia and bring participation back into our democracy", prepared an ad showing how Harvey Norman sends Australian non-plantation timber to China where it is made into furniture and sent back to Australia. That ad was "banned from commercial TV by the industry body that classifies ads". Whether or not you agree with them, I think people have a right to express their opinions. As a rule, I don't like censorship. I like it even less when it seems to be because someone is afraid of big business. Have a look for yourself and decide whether or not you believe that this ad should have been banned.

The commercial was based on the results of a year long chain of custody investigation which tracked timber from Australia’s native forests, to its processing in China for furniture products and back to its final sale in Australia through major retailers such as Harvey Norman. Clicking the link will give you the choice of a four page summary or the full 11 page report.

That is one example. Sadly there are more.

Can you trust a Google search? Until recently, I thought so. Now, although I've used Google to help prepare this newsletter, I'm not so sure. Google's company website lists one of the ten tenets of their company philosophy as "6. You can make money without doing evil." Sounds great, but Google is now under investigation in the US for deceptive practices which harm consumers. Here in Australia, Google banned ads for the Wilderness Society's ethical paper campaign.

That campaign targets Australian Paper, producer of the Reflex brand. Although they do produce a recycled paper, Reflex Recycled, the majority of their paper is made from wood chips produced from logging Australian high conservation value forest. If you'd like to learn more, go to the Wilderness Society website and type "reflex paper" into the search box in the upper right. This issue is seen as so important that the Victorian government has told the Yarra Ranges council to lift its ban on Reflex paper or lose new jobs. Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh "said Reflex was a product of Australian Paper, an "important client" of VicForests, and any council signing the "so-called ethical paper pledge" from the Wilderness Society would miss out on the move of the VicForest jobs." Maybe that means that Vic Forests are in the wrong business — cutting down forests rather than preserving them. Forest water catchments improve water quality for metropolitan areas. As mentioned in Don's report and again in the weather section below, that's an ever more important issue.

There are many good recycled alternatives to Reflex. Another interesting alternative is paper made from wheat straw. The alternatives aren't as easy to find, but they are worth looking for. I've used the wheat paper and have found it more than satisfactory.

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Willis's Walkabouts — Where To?


I came to Darwin in early 1974 and immediately fell in love with the Top End bush. Within a few months, I helped found the Darwin Bushwalking Club. As first club president, I helped pioneer many of the routes local bushwalkers use today. For a variety of reasons, my job was becoming less and less attractive. I began to wonder if I might be able to make a living by sharing my love of the bush with a wider group of people. I started Willis's Walkabouts as a one man operation in Kakadu and the Kimberley in 1986. The business grew steadily through the mid 1990s. At its peak, I had ten vehicles and up to 8 trips out at one time. Then, the kind of trips I offer began to fall out of favour and the numbers began to drop.

Although the numbers were dropping, the percent of repeat clients steadily increased until it averaged between 40% and 50% each year. A vast majority of the others came because of recommendations from their friends. In terms of marketing to the masses, I was a failure. In terms of offering something different, something that a select group of people would come back again and again to experience, I was, and remain, a success. I get to meet all sorts of interesting people while bushwalking in all sorts of wonderful places.

Willis's Walkabouts is small.

I don't think many people realise just how small we are. This year we will run 13-15 trips. I'll lead six to eight myself. Given the sudden drop off after June, we may have less than 100 clients in total this year. Several people have suggested that I need someone in the office full time. Unfortunately, the business is far too small to employ a full-time office person. I can get someone in for about an hour a day on weekdays while I'm out bush, but no more. That means that the communication with potential clients must suffer to some extent. Hopefully I've managed to do an acceptable job. At this point, I can't see an alternative.

Access may change.

The arrival of Kimberley Air Tours with their float planes has opened up a number of new opportunities. We used them on our Drysdale River trip in June. Float planes cost a lot less than helicopters and are almost as flexible. That's a huge plus. When I was in the Bungles in April, I noticed some float planes flying overhead. I later learned that they were part of one of the most unusual Bungles scenic flight tours, landing on Lake Argyle along the way. If you are ever in Kununurra and considering a scenic flight over the Bungles, they are certainly worth considering..

The Kakadu Walking Review may increase, decrease or leave access the same. The move to joint management for most of the other parks in the NT may change access to some of those parks. Ownership changes in the Kimberley may restrict our access to some of the places we've been going for years. Excessive, in my opinion, concerns about wet season safety could cause further restrictions. It's too early to tell what the end results will be. All I can say for sure is that some things will change.

As an aside, excessive concerns about safety, driven, at least in part, by concerns about litigation, may be doing more damage than the damage they are supposed to prevent. A simple example, can a playground be too safe? If enough people are interested, I might expand on this idea in a future newsletter.

Print advertising doesn't work.

With fewer and fewer people citing our print advertising as where they first heard about us, it is time to take stock of where our advertising money is going. Currently our print advertising can be grouped into three segments.

Wild is worth an extra mention. They plan to do a profile about me in the next issue. If you'd like to know more about where Willis's Walkabouts and I came from, it should be worth a read.

If anyone who gets this newsletter has some suggestions as to how I might better organise my advertising, I'd love to hear them.

Tourism organisations are emphasising social media like Facebook more and more. I suspect that I should be spending more time — and money — mastering Facebook than on print advertising. Facebook, and possibly Twitter as well, might be a way to better connect with a larger audience. Suggestions in this regard are more than welcome.

I've currently got two main pages Russell Willis which is being used by lots of people to talk about all sorts of things and Willis's Walkabouts which gets very little use but which should be the Facebook contact for the business. As I said above, suggestions welcome.

The future

For 2012, I plan to offer much the same program as this year, subject to access still being available. Two of the trips which haven't run for several years are already looking moderately likely. But, beyond 2012, who knows?

One of the younger guides has expressed an interest in becoming more involved with the business as her children get older. If that were to prove economically viable, Willis's Walkabouts might well be around in a similar form in ten years time. If not, it's more likely that I'll simply phase down, offering fewer and fewer trips until the business fades away and the small niche that I've occupied ceases to exist.

One major problem that may lead to phasing down sooner rather than later is an increasing tendency for people not to read everything we send out. This year, I've had more people ask me questions about things covered in the material that I'd sent out than ever before. Given the nature of the trips we offer, that material is important. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can get more people to read things carefully, I'd really like to hear them.

Finally, one of my goals for later this year is to revise my Bushwalking Guide. Suggestions are welcome.

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Our Wondrous Weather

Records abound. Darwin and the Top End had the wettest wet season on record as did parts of the Kimberley. This was followed by Darwin's coolest June on record. Our trips were more affected by the extreme weather this year than at any time in the previous 24. Every trip that had the bookings to run did so, but there were a few hassles.

The latest issue of Australian Geographic has an article on Kakadu and the big Wet. They also have an online photo gallery of photos. We've taken groups to Jim Jim and Twin Falls when they looked mush like they do in photos 1 and 9 in the AG Gallery. Hopefully, we'll still be doing those trips once the Kakadu Walking Review is complete.

Having said that, my greatest regret is that I was too tied up with the Kakadu Walking Review to get out bush for more than a few days in June. What I was able to see showed me that those who took part saw far more water than normal at this time of year.

It's not just us. Weather extremes are happening all over the world. The drought may have broken in eastern Australia, but it hasn't in the west. "Consider Perth, Australia: its population has surpassed 1.7 million while precipitation has decreased. City planners worry that unless drastic action is taken, Perth could become the world’s first “ghost city” — a modern metropolis abandoned for lack of water." That quote is from an article in the NY Times. The US is currently suffering from a major drought. That's expected to raise food prices in the US. As they try and import more, that will affect food prices around the world.

Worldwide, water tables are falling as we mine the aquifers for irrigation. The California land where much of America's fruit and vegetables are produced is a semi-desert. Storing Water for a Dry Day Leads to Suits explains how storing water underground to prepare for droughts can cause problems. Even in an area as wet as Darwin, we've pumped so much water out of the ground that springs that had never been known to go dry have done so regularly in the last 5-10 years. There are no easy answers. Suffice it to say, "We live in interesting times."

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Changing Times — Interesting Times

"The times, they are a changing" — changing far more than Bob Dylan or anyone else could have anticipated back in the 1960s. Many of the things we take completely for granted weren't even ideas back then. While writing the bit about advertising in the Willis's Walkabouts — Where To? section above, I got to thinking about the future of magazines. That reminded me of an article called Nine things that will disappear in our lifetime.. It makes interesting reading. I've added some of my own thoughts which, I hope, will add to the discussion.

I couldn't get the links to work in a PDF, but you might find this PDF easier to read than the "nine things" web page above.

That article was primarily about technology. I think those changes are only a small part of the picture. Whatever your views about climate change and global warming, I don't think anyone can deny that the past ten years has seen more extreme climate events than any other ten year period for which we have decent records. If the majority of climate scientists are right, we are going to see ever more weather extremes. As mentioned above, the drawing down of water tables around the world will lead to major changes in agriculture. Rising food prices can have a devastating effect on the world's poor. What happens in a country like China if food prices go too high for the poorer people who still make up a majority of the population?

The old consumer economy is gone, and it’s not coming back. Real median income in America has actually fallen over the past ten years. If it weren't for the mining boom, we'd probably be in the same position. Here's quote from a Commonwealth Bank paper from September 2010.

"The structural shifts in the economy and financial markets are likely to reinforce the move to a two-speed economy. Over time, the commodity boom will benefit the resources-rich States and Territories – QLD, WA, Northern Territory (NT) and probably South Australia (SA) as well. The other less-endowed States will comparatively underperform as a result."

"The wedge is accentuated by the greater exposure of the non-resources States to financial market consequences:

And on it goes. Here in Darwin, house prices finally started to fall earlier this year. Caravan parks have empty places in July for the first time in years while free camping areas beside the road to the south of town are chock-a-block. I don't have a lot of faith that politicians in America or Europe will make the hard decisions needed before harder ones are inevitable. It may not be pretty, but it will be interesting to watch how things unfold over the next few years.

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News About This Newsletter


Before I finish one newsletter, I'm already working on the next. I often find that I've got too many interesting things for a single newsletter. I'm also always looking for other interesting items I can add. I'm particularly interested in environmental issues, especially those which might affect bushwalking and in the technology which is shaping our lives. As I said in one of the sections above, Suggestions welcome.

Sending the newsletter

The program I use to send the newsletters is hosted on the same server that hosts our website. The newsletters are sent from walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au. This is the contact address on our website. If you would like to continue to receive these newsletters, please include this address in your "friends list" so that it isn't blocked.

For some reason, some servers block the newsletters no matter what you try and do. I send these in small groups from my normal email. It's not a simple problem. If anyone thinks they might have an idea how to overcome the problem, I'd love to hear from you.

Emails sent to walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au are currently automatically forwarded to rrwillis at internode.on.net. If you want to send an email to that address, replace the word "at" with the symbol @. I am trying not to put that address any place where it can be harvested by spam bots.

We don't want to add to the mass of email spam. If you don't want our newsletter, please send us an email and let us know. We'll then delete your name from our newsletter list.

Our email address is walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au.

Note. The program we use to send this newsletter has an automatic delete at the bottom. Clicking that link will delete you from the mailing list on the server but it will not delete you from our main database. My newsletter mailing program will not allow the auto delete to send me an email notifying me that a deletion has been made. If you want to be removed from all further mailings, please send an email to walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

Finally, if you know someone you think would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to them. The more people who get it, the more likely it is that I'll be able to run the trips which might interest you.

Best wishes to all,
Russell Willis

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Willis's Walkabouts, 12 Carrington Street, Millner NT 0810, Australia walkabout@bushwalkingholidays.com.au

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